Term Of Use

The use of the content on SVG Stack is subject to the terms of use set out below. You should read and accept these terms carefully. By using SVG Stack, you agree to these terms and our Privacy Policy.

1. Use of Content and Responsibility

All content presented on SVG Stack is provided ‘as is’ without any warranty of any kind. We make no warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability or fitness for a particular purpose of such content. Users use this content at their own risk.

SVG Stack accepts no responsibility for any legal, commercial or other circumstances that may arise during or after the use of the contents. It is the sole responsibility of the user to comply with applicable laws when using the content on SVG Stack.

2. User Responsibility

By using the content on SVG Stack, you agree to these terms of use and our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to these terms, we advise you not to use SVG Stack.

Users agree that SVG Stack bears no responsibility in the event of misuse of the content we provide or use in illegal activities. Users are required to use the contents only within the framework of legal and ethical rules. Otherwise, the user will be responsible for all consequences that may arise.

3. Abuse and Violations

Misuse of the contents of SVG Stack, use in illegal activities or any use contrary to these terms of use may result in termination of your access to SVG Stack. SVG Stack reserves the right to take legal action against such violations.

4. Modification of Terms

These terms of use may be amended by SVG Stack at any time. Changes will be announced on this page and you will be deemed to have accepted these changes when you continue to use SVG Stack. We recommend that you check our terms of use regularly.

5. Contact

If you have any questions, concerns or feedback about our terms of use, please contact us:

You can send an e-mail to support@svgstack.com for any questions, comments and suggestions.

Support: support@svgstack.com

If you are an icon maker and want to publish your icons as an author on svgstack.com, you can send an e-mail to author@svgstack.com.

Authorship: author@svgstack.com

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